Washington Township, Pickaway County, Ohio

See Chart Below for names of the Cemeteries

Map and Research done by Ralph and Charlene Woolever.
Graciously donated by them for this website. They have also
posted a copy of the map at the Pickaway Co. Genealogical Library.

Cemetery locations were marked on this map according to maps in the County Recorder's Office which were drawn up by W.P.A. workers in the 1930's.

Those maps are not completely reliable as to exact distances, names of cemeteries, etc. However, this will be a reasonably reliable guide until we can get all the cemetery markers copied and locations pinpointed.

Bear in mind that several of these old cemeteries were moved to larger active cemeteries. Also, that in many instances individual families had a family member moved to their lot in another cemetery.

Some of the roads which were then (in the 1930s) township roads (T) have now been taken over by the county (C). However, only the prefix letter has been changed. The road number stayed the same. Township roads are shown on the map with dashes; County roads are shown with solid lines.

Most of the Pickaway County Cemeteries have been copied by Historical Society members and are on file at the Pickaway Co. Genealogy Library.

Location Within Twp.
8 Betheny Washington West side T-42; North side T-78
43 Graffis, John Farm Washington .5 m South T-77; .7 m West T-66
46 Griffith Washington .1 m East S.R. 188; North side T-77
57 Hitler Ludwig Circleville /
South side T-69; .5 m East C-9
67 Infirmary Washington .2 m South U.S. 22; West side T-42
75 Leist Farm Washington .5 m North U.S. 22; .7 m West T-42
88 Morris Church Washington Intersection of T-16 & T-53
112 Pontius Chapel Washington North side C-40; .1 m East T-66
127 St. Paul Evangelical Washington East side T-42; 1 m South C-40
139 Stout Washington South side T-71; .3 m West C-15
164 Zion Washington South side T-71; .1 m West T-42

Return to the Townships Cemetery Map.

© 1999 Rachel Meyer / Pickaway Co., Ohio / rwmeyer@nktelco.net